Mitch McConnell and other Senate Republicans are blocking efforts to give Americans $2,000 instead of $600.

What a shocker.

McConnell and these other Republicans just approved a bullshit $900 billion bill where the vast majority of the money was spent on ridiculous pork and giveaways to foreign countries. So for them to somehow claim that blocking the $2,000 is about fiscal responsibility is something that can’t be believed.

They apparently have no issue with being perceived as a bunch of hated assholes. The government forced millions of people out of work because of these stupid lockdowns and now they don’t want to give Americans money just so they can buy food and keep a roof over their heads. They’re basically saying that this money has to go to places like Israel, corporations and to other pork projects instead of it going directly to Americans even after they were banned from working per government edicts.

It’s really quite insane what has transpired.

We are dealing with an absolutely corrupt and broken system.