The allegedly reformed homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos is no longer associated with Ye’s 2024 campaign. He confirmed this on various social media sites.

Ethan Ralph is reporting that he was forced out after plotting some sort of weird power move against Nick Fuentes.

Milo claimed to be a reformed homosexual who suddenly found Jesus right around the time when the idea of Christian nationalism started becoming a bigger thing in right-wing circles. He’s historically been a grifter and an opportunist, so when he started appearing with Ye, I found that to be a bit strange.

I have serious doubts that he is honest about being a reformed homosexual. Look at this photo of him and Laura Loomer. One’s gaydar goes off the charts when seeing this.

Remember, this is literally someone who referred to himself as a “Dangerous Faggot.”

Plus, anybody who has willfully engaged in homosexual activity has something psychologically wrong with them and should not be trusted.

Either way, I’m glad that he’s gone. Fuentes is a far better political commentator and doesn’t have all the weird history and baggage that Milo has with his grifting and sick faggotry.