House Speaker Mike Johnson is bringing back the Bush 43 era “Axis of Evil” rhetoric. He has declared Russia, China and Iran an “Axis of Evil.” Presumably he is saying they are evil because none of these countries support gay anal sex and trannies.  He’s doing this to push all these individual Jew war funding bills that he’s bringing up for a vote today. This is happening despite the fact that he specifically promised not to fund the Ukraine war in order to get support from select Republicans to become House Speaker.


In a dramatic break from his party’s hardline conservative base, US House Speaker Mike Johnson this week praised the country’s deep state, called Russia, China, and Iran an “axis of evil,” and vowed to put his job on the line to funnel more than $60 billion to Kiev.

For months, Johnson has resisted bringing a $95 billion foreign aid bill to a vote, arguing that neither he nor his fellow Republicans could support the bill – which would give $14 billion in military aid to Israel and $60 billion to Ukraine – without it being tied to an overhaul of US border security.

However, after a series of recent meetings with US intelligence chiefs, Johnson has changed his tune.

“This is a critical time right now, a critical time on the world stage,” Johnson told reporters on Wednesday. “I think providing lethal aid to Ukraine right now is critically important. I really do. I really do believe the intel and the briefings that we’ve gotten.”

So this guy had a couple of meetings with CIA and intel spook people and suddenly he’s 100 percent in favor of funding all these ridiculous Jew war adventures. He may have been blackmailed, coerced or threatened in some capacity for all we know. Or he could just be stupid and believe that these intel spook people are being very truthful things.

Either way, this result was totally expected. Myself and many others said that this guy was going to be no different than Kevin McCarthy and we were proven right. MTG. Paul Gosar and Thomas Massie are saying they are going to seek his removal due to him moving forward with these Jew war bills. MTG was talking about this with Steve Bannon yesterday.

I guess I’d like to know why they haven’t done anything yet as it raises even more questions. It just looks like more theater of the absurd.

We’ll see what happens with these Jew war funding bills. I’d be surprised if the Ukraine war bill passes considering that the primary focus is on Israel and there’s a growing realization that it is a failing war effort. The Jew Victoria Nuland leaving the State Department was basically an admission of this fact since she was one of the primary architects of that disaster.

It’s all so stupid and shows how broken and corrupt this government is. Jew war bills and declaring things anti-Semitic are literally the main agenda items of these people. All these people supporting this nonsense are traitors who should be put on trial for treason.