Media Matters is eliminating a significant amount of their staff and blaming the lawsuit filed against them by Elon Musk for the firings. The Musk lawsuit has forced them to spend huge sums of money to defend against and it looks like the tap is starting to run dry. They basically spread lies about Twitter/X as part of an effort to get Twitter/X advertisers to stop advertising on the site which prompted Musk to file the lawsuit.

This horrible Jewish organization which has been financed by the demon Jew George Soros has spent years smearing and lying about people for their political views. They have done this in order to get them fired from their job or destroy their business operations. That’s pretty much all they’ve done throughout their entire history. So despite my many issues with Musk, I obviously support this lawsuit that he filed against this horrible Jewish entity.

Here are some posts about the situation.

Hopefully the whole organization goes under. It was one of the most vile and horrible Jewish organizations in America. I wish nothing but pain, agony and misery for all the people who have maintained any sort of association with this group. Media Matters even spent some of their time attacking this writer and this website. They can all fuck off to hell as far as I’m concerned.