All sorts of bullshit articles are being put out by various media assholes claiming that GameStop has no value of any kind. The amount of propaganda being pushed to convince people that they should not own this stock is really something.

It just makes me want to buy more. In fact I’ll probably buy some more over the next few weeks.

There’s a huge community of people buying GME as a form of protest against a rigged and highly corrupt Jewish financial system.

The stock is currently trading at around $20 a share.

As I’ve said before, I am holding GME for the long haul. I don’t care where the price goes. If it goes down, I’ll just dollar cost average and buy more.

I honestly don’t think the Jewish financial system can handle such a large group of people who don’t give a single fuck. The Jews can’t comprehend such a thing unfolding due to how much they treasure their digital shekels.