The Buffalo mass shooting is obviously getting all the Jewish media attention because the shooter was WHITE and he put out a manifesto talking about the replacement of WHITE people. It was a weird incident and I’m still not sure if it was an op or not.

But there were actually other mass shootings that took place this weekend, including this one at a California church.

They are saying an “Asian” did it.

I’m not sure if this means it was an actual Asian like a Vietnamese or Korean person or if they are just using the term to hide that it was a Moslem. This is a popular tactic by the Jew-controlled media in the United Kingdom.

Whatever the case, it is just a fact that mass shootings have become a regular part of American life. This is not because of guns. We’ve had guns in the country since its founding. These mass shootings are happening because we have a fundamentally sick and deranged society. Anybody who tries to peacefully address the real societal problems we have is ostracized and blacklisted.

There is no reason for me to believe that this is going to get better.