There was some sort of mass shooting incident at the parade celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs Satan Bowl victory. Over 20 people were injured and at least on person died.

Here are some posts/clips about it.

It’s not quite clear who the shooter or shooters were. Some are saying it was a false flag event etc.. Who the hell knows. It’s too early for me to draw any conclusions.

Mass shootings are just a normal phenomenon in America because we live in an insane multicultural godless shithole. A tranny just shot up Joel Osteen’s megachurch the other day and you have niggers killing each other all over Chicago. This shooting is a bit more noteworthy than others because it happened during an event with lots of media present.

Either way, anybody who wastes their time going to a Satan Bowl celebration is probably too stupid to live. They get what they get.

I guess all these people showed up to the parade to see this?