The Jews pushed for all sorts of stupid Middle East wars while simultaneously flooding the West with Islamists. The end result of this are Moslems protesting Israel in large numbers throughout Europe.

Take in point this massive protest in Berlin, Germany that took place this evening.

Some based Taliban supporters showed up which has been of great concern to pro-Israel people.

It only took these Moslems protesting Jews and Israel for there to now be serious calls for deportations.

Obviously, I am against Moslems being in Europe but I totally support them protesting the Jews and doing anything that displaces the Jews from power. Pretty much every horrible mess we’ve had in the post World War II era has been because of them. They were also primarily responsible for the horrible events of World War I and World War II.

As far as I’m concerned the destructive Jewish era of world history is ending. They keep on losing geopolitical power because of their own insanity and stupidity. The only question is how this ZOG system is going to end and how violent that end will be.