The ZOG shill Emmanuel Macron is saying that the age of abundance is over and that the French must be poor to defend freedom.

Like many other ZOG shills he has a funny definition of freedom. This guy locked down France over a fake pandemic and destroyed the nation’s economy. That is the opposite of freedom.

But the freedom he is talking about here isn’t even talking about the alleged freedom of the French people. He is talking about the alleged freedom of the people living in the Ukraine. The same country run by an illegitimate Jewish government that has banned opposition political parties, banned opposition media and where people suspected of dissenting are tied naked to posts.

Macron has supported sanctions against Russia that has greatly damaged the French economy to support the Ukraine.

This does not seem to be a cause worth being poor over. Macron should seriously reconsider his position, but we know he will not do that because he is a puppet for evil Jews.