Yesterday afternoon, a young WHITE man named Payton Gendron went to a grocery store in Buffalo and shot a bunch of people. He mostly killed blacks, but he also killed a few WHITES. He streamed the shooting on Twitch and posted a manifesto explaining his actions.

This appears to have been a copycat of the Brenton Tarrant mass shooting of a Christchurch mosque in New Zealand a few years back. In my mind, the Tarrant mass shooting made political sense. His manifesto described clearly why he did what he did. The mosque he shot up was also connected to Al-Qaeda terrorist groups. Some have come to believe that the Tarrant shooting was some type of op, but I don’t believe there’s been enough evidence to support that conclusion.

Unlike the Tarrant shooting, this event doesn’t make sense to me.

In the stream of the shooting, the first person seen being shot is a WHITE person. Gendron’s manifesto also focuses in on mass migration and WHITE replacement but yet the first person he decides to shoot is WHITE?

Also, choosing to target a grocery store with mostly black people is an odd choice to do a mass shooting to protest the flood of invaders coming in. Most of the invaders coming in are not black and blacks have been a part of America’s history since its founding.

Gendron’s manifesto also includes specific websites he visited and describes the weaponry he intended to use to carry out his mass shooting. It’s almost as if the manifesto is begging for these websites to be blacklisted and the weaponry banned by including them. Some have said that there are also parts of the manifesto that have been ripped directly from the Tarrant manifesto.

It’s strange that this event happens just a short time after the Jewish Homeland Security head admitted that he couldn’t name any WHITE supremacist domestic terrorists at a Congressional hearing.

I’m not going to say conclusively that this is some type of op or if this was just the actions of an alienated young man who saw no future for himself in this dying country. The end result is the same and it ultimately doesn’t matter. The Jewish media is going to use this as an excuse to push for speech censorship, gun control, domestic terrorism laws etc..

Quite frankly though, I don’t think the public is going to stay focused on this incident for very long. With out of control gas and food prices, people aren’t going to really care about this especially since mass shootings are now a common thing in America. People are numb to this. You got blacks killing each other left and right every day all the time and these incidents get little to no coverage.

Take for instance this recent shooting outside of a Milwaukee Bucks basketball game. More people got shot in this incident than in the Buffalo incident. It just isn’t getting the same media coverage because it is not politically useful for the Jews.

There’s also somebody shooting up Asians in the Dallas area. The race of the gunman is not mentioned because he is widely believed to be black.

Whatever the case, I’d expect more of these types of incidents to occur regardless of if they are ops or not. Our society is in the midst of a major social and economic collapse that is only getting worse.