Kevin McCarthy was just removed as Speaker of the House. I thought for sure the Democrats would give him the votes to remain in power, but they chose to vote with a small handful of Republicans to oust him.

I was giving Matt Gaetz who led the charge to remove McCarthy a bunch of shit on Gab over the past several months. Largely because all he would do was talk about getting rid of McCarthy while doing nothing substantive about it. I even told him that if he removed McCarthy that I would shit my pants and send him a photo of my shit-filled pants. It might have taken him eight months, but I will give credit where credit is due. He does deserve credit for removing him. I am also a man of my word, so tomorrow I will be taking a photo of my shit-stained underwear and I will post it on his Gab feed.

I think my shock is understandable. This is literally the first time any member of Congress has achieved anything minimally positive throughout my entire adult life. It’s an extremely low bar for sure, but getting rid of McCarthy is a step in the right direction.

Look how angry the Interim Speaker Patrick McHenry got over the situation. He looked like he was trying to break the gavel as he declared the House in recess.

Newt Gingrich was hopping mad also. He was on Fox News calling the Republicans who voted to get rid of McCarthy “traitors” because of the chaos they caused.

You know what Newt, go blow your small shriveled acorn-sized dick you dumbass out of touch old fuck. Have you seen the state of this country? It is collapsing. The last thing we need is more business as usual. Business as usual has destroyed this country.

As far as I’m concerned the more chaos and crazy shit happening in Washington DC the better. I have no idea if this situation will result in a more favorable or negative outcome but it is a welcome change.

Some are talking about trying to make Donald Trump the Speaker of the House. I doubt this would happen, but if it did, it would be very funny.

It’s late right now, but I’ll probably have more thoughts on this tomorrow morning.