Democrat Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman is doing interviews with help from a computer. It is literally one of the most bizarre and insane things imaginable. Even with the computer he has a hard time speaking normally.

Fetterman is clearly brain damaged. The fact that he is being taken seriously as a candidate for the United States Senate shows what a farce and a joke this country has become.

Fetterman’s Republican opponent Mehmet Oz isn’t much better. He’s a Turk who has promoted trannies on television.

I can almost understand this guy’s thought process.

There’s going to be all sorts of fraud in this election so it wouldn’t surprise me if Fetterman wins.

I guess if somebody put a gun to my head I’d vote for the Turk Oz, but at the same time, having a brain damaged person in the Senate like Fetterman would have its benefits. It would just further reinforce what a joke this entire evil and corrupt system is.