Joe Brandon got lost on stage at a public speech again today. His wife had to direct him where to go so he could get off the stage.

It’s all just too much.

Brandon has already been in public talking about having an affair with a 12-year-old when he was 30. Yet despite that, they keep having him make public appearances.

He also asked where a dead member of Congress was at a separate event forcing the White House to explain why he would do this.

It’s been obvious for years that the old man is totally senile and doesn’t know where he is or what he’s saying half the time.

But sure, we are somehow supposed to believe that he has the mental faculties to run the country. Anybody who thinks he’s running anything is a moron. He’s a puppet of Jewish interests and is just doing what he’s told by the Jews around him.

I’d say there’s a 50/50 chance of old Brandon shitting himself in public in front of the media before all is said and done.