The Jews are saying publicly that they plan to get more aggressive with Russia because of their alleged support of Hamas.

The Zionist Visegrad 24 people summarized some of Israel’s recent statements and policy decisions on Russia.

Despite what the Jews claim, I’m not really sure Russia is directly supporting Hamas. They do have discussions with them because they represent the legitimate government of the Palestinian people inside of Gaza. I guess the Jews believe that even talking to Hamas represents support for Hamas. They have a very weird way of thinking these Jews.

Either way, it is becoming more and more obvious that Israel is an enemy of Russia. The fact that they’re talking about supporting the Kiev regime etc.. is an indicator that they have decided to become more open about this reality. Russia has tried to be diplomatic about everything, but this is not going to be possible for much longer.

I hope Russia, China and Iran can come together and formulate a plan to deal with Israel once and for all. This means a military plan of some kind. These Jews have shown repeatedly that they can’t be reasoned with. They’ll only stop what they are doing in Gaza when they are forced to stop with bombs and missiles coming down on Tel Aviv.