The Jews have declared an all out war on Ye after he went Death Con 3 on them. They are currently in the process of trying to destroy his business ventures. The Jews are really pushing to get Adidas to cut him after successfully getting Balenciaga to drop him. This may prove challenging as his Yeezy brand with Adidas makes a significant portion of their sales.

I did a search on Twitter for “Ye adidas” and these are the posts I found. It’s just non-stop foaming at the mouth from these hateful Jewish individuals.

There was this post though. This very public spectacle of the Jews trying to destroy Ye is making people ask some serious questions about the power that these people have. If anything it shows that these Jews are absolutely in control of almost everything you can imagine.

Clearly, nothing good has come from these Jews being in power and control of our societies. They’ve wrecked the global economy with usury scams, hoaxed a pandemic and we now find ourselves on the brink of a major world war.

The only solution to this problem is to ban these Jews. They should be forced to move to Israel and live among their own people at minimum. Of course, I would also argue that much harsher measures should be taken against them considering the massive crimes they have committed.

This whole situation with Ye and the Jews is really opening up this very important conversation about the Jewish problem that people like myself and others have been trying to have for many years.