The billionaire Jew George Soros has openly stated that China’s Xi Jinping is the greatest threat to his evil agenda.

China is most definitely not on board with the Jewish global enslavement system that people like Soros have pushed ahead. This is why Soros made this statement. He sees the rise of China and their economic and military power to be a major threat to a world government run by Jews.

But even with Soros openly stating this, there are still going to be people talking about how Joe Biden and all these other Jewish puppets are somehow controlled by China etc.. They just can’t recognize the fact that the United States and much of the West is controlled by subversive Jews. They believe all the things these Jews are doing is part of some conspiracy by Chinese communists. It’s simply not the case. China is merely taking advantage of the damage that Jews have done to the West.

Russia and China are the two major countries in the world that are operating outside of this Jewish system. That’s why we see continuous agitations against them with the situations in Ukraine and Taiwan.