Jesse Kelly a moderate right-wing radio show host put out this weird tweet earlier in the week saying that the tranny who flashed its tits at the White House looked good. He’s also said that he’s sick of pretending that the tranny didn’t look good.

Is Kelly a faggot?

Only a faggot would make a statement like this. I mean, this does not sound like a joke. If it is a joke, I’d like to know what the punchline is.

He’s apparently blocking people who did not like his tweet praising the tranny’s tits.

We have a real problem with homosexuals in Republican and right-wing circles. This bizarre statement makes me believe that he could be another closeted right-wing homosexual faggot. He’s playing a role in normalizing this tranny shit to “conservatives” by making a fucked up statement like this. It’s almost like what Sean Hannity did when he interviewed Bruce Jenner after he became a tranny.