Giorgia Meloni who will soon take over the top position in Italy’s government has said that reducing energy prices is a top priority for her. She also vowed to put Italy’s interests first.


Italy will make its own interests a top priority, Giorgia Meloni, who is expected to be the country’s next prime minister, said in her first major speech on Saturday after last week’s election victory.

“Italy’s attitude must return to defending its national interests in order to find common solutions. And it is something that will change in the coming months,” Meloni, who leads the conservative Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, said in a speech in Milan.

“It does not mean having a negative attitude towards others, but a positive attitude to ourselves.”

Meloni stated that tackling soaring energy prices is one of her most pressing goals. “I am in constant contact with the outgoing government, which is engaged in a very complex negotiation to seek solutions at the European level,” she said.

Here’s the problem. You can’t solve this issue by just having conversations at the European level. The entire continent is in the midst of a major self-inflicted energy crisis.

She has also publicly expressed her support for the satanic Jewish regime of the Ukraine.

Russia cut gas to Italy shortly after she made these comments.

The only way to reduce energy prices for the Italian people is to seek reconciliation with Russia. There is no alternative. For her to claim that reducing energy prices is a top priority while not involving Russia is a sign that this is nothing but empty talk.