The Israeli media is reporting that the war cabinet has decided to hit Iran back hard. Hilariously they are claiming that the war cabinet hopes it won’t spark a regional war.

This is retarded for a number of reasons.

First, if you really didn’t want a regional war you would chill the fuck out and not retaliate “hard” against Iran. Doing acts of war, are just that. They are acts of war.

Second, everybody knows that Bibi is doing everything he can to start a regional war that will drag the United States into fighting Iran on their behalf. This is the current Zionist strategy.

There are also reports saying they want to coordinate this action against Iran with the United States.

Even the Jews in the US government have been telling them to chill out, but they are not going to chill out. They know that they’re going to keep sending them weapons no matter what they do. Bibi could be eating a Palestinian child live on camera in front of the whole world and they still wouldn’t end shipping him weapons.

Iran has already promised a response 10 times of what they did this past weekend if Israel decides to attack them. This would be over 1,000 missiles flying towards the occupied territories.

This has already been communicated to the Jews.

Guess we’ll see what happens. If these reports prove accurate, the next 24 to 48 hours could be a bit wild.