Israel just announced that they are stealing another 800 hectares of land in the West Bank with plans to build settlements on it.

Not only are the Jews getting away with genocide and mass murder in Gaza, but they are also getting away with stealing more land from the Palestinians in the West Bank.

I am confident that this situation is not going to continue in the long run. They might be able to do this for a little while longer, but Israel is finding itself increasingly isolated around the world. They are only being supported by a declining empire that has been mismanaged through Jewish incompetence.

In the long run, Israel will end up with no land because it will no longer exist. They already have huge populations of people around them who are demanding their leaders to mobilize a coalition to destroy Zionist regime.

The Jews have already burned through their Holocaust hoax card with their slaughter operations in Gaza. Nobody cares about events that allegedly occurred back in the 1940s. Especially when you consider that the people whining about those alleged events are doing a real genocide in the present day.