Israel has said that they’ve split Gaza into a northern and southern piece while surrounding Gaza City.

Meanwhile they are just bombing anything in Gaza. There are no safe areas. They’re just indiscriminately killing people.

There’s countless videos being posted on the Internet showing the horrible slaughter taking place. This is one of the most graphic and worst clips I’ve seen to date.

Around 10,000 Palestinians many of who are children have been killed by the Israelis.

So far the Islamic world’s response to this slaughter has been insufficient. I was disappointed that Hezbollah did not declare war against Israel last Friday but this could be part of a larger strategic plan. I get that they don’t want the American military attacking them, but at the same time, we all see what is happening in Gaza and the Jews won’t stop what they are doing unless they are made to stop.

As it stands now, I would expect the slaughter to continue. The big problem Israel has right now is that by continuing with this evil, they are rapidly losing what little support that they had. There are huge rallies and protests everywhere against what they are doing. They also are going to have a significant amount of trouble going into Gaza City itself with ground forces. Surrounding it is relatively easy but going into a bombed out city of rubble greatly favors those defending it especially with the complex tunnel system that Hamas fighters have constructed.