Despite us being in the middle of the worst pandemic ever in the history of the world, it is truly astonishing that the Taliban were able to take over Afghanistan against a major military power. They were able to do this primarily with old Toyota pickup trucks and AK-47s.

It is especially shocking since their fighters weren’t wearing pieces of cloth over their face to protect them from this very deadly COVID-19 novel coronavirus. As many of you know, the only thing that can protect you from the COVID-19 is a piece of cloth over your face.

You would think that the Taliban would have been dropping like flies from this serious health crisis that has caused the entire world to close down. This shockingly did not happen.

My guess is that the Taliban were able to develop a secret vaccine in the caves of Tora Bora that protected their fighters from the COVID-19. I’m talking about a real vaccine that actually works. Not the fake ineffective death shots being produced by the likes of Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and other Jewish pharmaceutical companies. This is why they did not need to wear pieces of cloth over their faces while they rolled into Kabul.

Even now the victorious Taliban fighters are entering the airport victoriously despite the COVID-19 novel coronavirus.

Either that, or maybe there is no deadly pandemic and the whole thing is gigantic hoax pushed by Jews to destroy the whole world.