The Guardian is now claiming that Russia is losing the war in Ukraine.

Just last week they published an op-ed admitting that Russia could win the war.

These people can’t decide on what direction to push their propaganda because they’re not used to adversity. Russia is absolutely winning the war and they can’t figure out what to say about it. That’s because they spent the past few months promoting atrocity hoaxes and lying about how Ukraine was winning.

These people have lost all credibility and their attempts to do damage control are becoming more and more pathetic. I don’t see how it is even remotely workable for these people to go back to pushing the lie that Ukraine is winning. Of course, these people aren’t exactly known for their competence.

I mean, how is someone like myself who writes a blog part time able to more accurately discern what is going on better than these people who write as their primary profession? The answer is simple. I at least do my best to tell the truth, whereas all these people do is figure out how best to lie.