Google put a COVID-19 vaxx mandate on their workers and their vaxxed workforce in California keeps testing positive for it. The vaxxtards who work for Google are very angry about the situation.

What’s funny is that the people going into the office who are testing positive for COVID-19 with the fake COVID-19 tests are all vaxxed. Unvaxxed people are treated like lepers and are banned from in-person meetings.

This is just more proof of what a fraud this whole thing is. You are more likely to test positive with the fake COVID-19 tests if you’ve been vaxxed than unvaxxed. The shots destroy your immune system and make you more likely that you will get sick or die.

These big tech companies that force-vaxxed their employees are at serious risk of collapse. They mandated that their employees take a deadly injection and are discriminating against the people who refused to take said deadly injection. So they are discriminating against the one group of people who are most likely able to do substantive work as everybody else gets ill or drops dead. This is not a recipe for success.