In Germany, a man named Michael Sturzenberger who has been a vocal anti-Islam critic was attacked by an angry Islamist at a political event. The Islamist also attacked other native Germans during the incident. From what I understand about Sturzenberger, he is well-known for provoking Moslems as a main part of his political brand. He also hasn’t had a whole lot to say about Jews if his Wikipedia page is any indication. Obviously Jews are the primary source of the Moslem problem in Germany and other European countries. So the fact that he has been actively provoking Moslems while saying nothing about Jews raises some questions about his actual agenda.

The weird thing about the whole situation is that a German cop jumped on a German who was trying to subdue the Moslem attacker only to end up getting stabbed himself. The “German” cop who ended up shooting the attacker didn’t even appear to be an actual German. He may have been a Turk or some other type of Arab.

Here’s a few memes that describe the basic gist of what happened. Hat tip to Azzmador and the TKR family for forwarding these over to me.

There were also a bunch of female cops standing around doing next to nothing as this whole fiasco unfolded.

To say that this whole situation serves as a metaphor for the retarded insanity happening in the West would be a serious understatement.

I’d personally like to congratulate the retarded German cop for proving how non-racist he was. He might die from the stabbing wounds he received but at least people won’t say that he was a racist.

What else can I possibly say about this stupid fiasco? When will Europeans start standing up for their race and quit undermining and attacking anybody who tries to stand up for themselves?