Fox News is literally doing segments promoting child trannies now.

This proves everything I have said about Fox News in the past. They are a far worse network than CNN, MSNBC or any of the other Jew media networks because they pretend to be conservative. There is really nothing conservative about Fox News. Outside of Tucker Carlson, the network is mostly all garbage. For the longest time they have existed to scam people into accepting non-conservative values as conservative. This is just another example of this scam.

When Sean Hannity brought on Bruce Jenner dressed as a woman for a serious interview a few years back, that should have been a big wake up call for anybody who still viewed Fox News as a conservative network.

The fact that they are doing segments on child trannies is another sign that they’re basically slowly going full CNN. They seem to only be keeping Carlson on the air to keep up the scam that they are somehow a conservative network. When Carlson goes, there will be little if anything of value presented on the channel.