A founder of the feminist terrorist group FEMEN, has committed suicide. Good riddance, she will not be missed.


Oksana Shachko, one of the founders of the Femen feminist protest movement, has been found dead in her Paris apartment, the group has said.

The 31-year-old Ukrainian was found on Monday with a suicide note next to her body, according to Femen activists.

“It is with great regret and deep pain that I must confirm the death of Oksana,” said Inna Shevchenko, one of Femen’s leaders, who also lives in the French capital.

Another Femen founder, Anna Gutsol, wrote on Facebook: “RIP. The most fearless and vulnerable Oksana Shachko has left us. We mourn together with her relatives and friends.” She said the group was awaiting “the official version from the police”.

Shachko was one of four feminist activists who founded Femen in Ukraine in 2008. Exiled in France since 2013, she had since left the group and was working as an artist.

Operating under the slogan “I came, I stripped, I won”, Femen quickly drew attention around the world with its bare-breasted demonstrations against sexism.

Their protests also challenged authoritarianism and racism, with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, a particular target, along with France’s far-right Front National party.

If one of the world’s most prominent feminists killed herself, it’s obvious that feminism did not make her happy. In fact, we know that feminism makes women extremely unhappy. It falsely convinces them that they can obtain happiness if they turn themselves into whores and become independent career women.

This story is just another example proving that feminism does not make women happy. Obviously, happy people do not kill themselves.

Feminism is a Jew promoted ideology that has caused an unending number of social problems throughout the West. It needs to be rejected in every form possible.