A North Korean defector named Yeonmi Park who is currently attending Columbia University is saying that the United States is a nuttier place than North Korea. She also said that America is not a free country.

The Daily Mail did a report summarizing the Fox interview that was done with her. She was specifically critical of the “woke” madness that prevails at Columbia.

Overall, I agree with her. It is objectively a fact that the United States is crazier than North Korea. You could even argue that the people in North Korea now have more freedoms considering what has happened with the virus hoax.

Say what you want about North Korea, but they are not brainwashing their people into embracing trannies, homosexuals and other unnatural insanity. They also aren’t ruining people’s lives over “woke” pronouns and other retarded shit.

Plus, Pyongyang seems like a nice city. Unlike many American cities, Pyongyang doesn’t have niggers running around committing crimes and killing people.

If I were her, I would seriously consider going back to North Korea.