Damar Hamlin or more specifically the actor claiming to be Damar Hamlin, showed up to the Satan Bowl game last night wearing some sort of weird jacket that was obviously intended to mock Jesus Christ.

People are raising all sorts of questions about this.

There’s no reason to believe that this is the real Damar Hamlin. You’d think with all the people raising questions about his situation that he would agree to do a live interview and put a rest to all the conspiracy talk. Instead, we have just gotten all sorts of weirdness and obfuscation.

I’m fairly confident that the real Damar Hamlin is dead and this is all part of a hoax to coverup for the fact that he died from the COVID-19 vaxx that the NFL coerced him and others to take. If it isn’t, he should let Stew Peters interview him. If there’s nothing to hide, just do the damn interview. What would be so hard about that?