The cunt known as Gretchen was just caught violating her own coronavirus rules while eating at a local restaurant.

Maybe the dumb bitch should eliminate these retarded rules. If she won’t even follow her own rules, what the fuck is the point of them? It just shows that people like her know this whole thing is a hoax.

She apologized for the error and judgment claiming that it wasn’t a big deal because she got the vaxx. But did she really get the vaxx? How do we know for sure? How do we know any of these people who say they took it actually took it?

Cunt Gretchen isn’t the only high profile pusher of this hoax who has violated coronavirus rules. We’ve seen Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi and many other virus hoaxers get caught doing things against the rules at the height of this hysteria last year.

Shit like this is why women should not be placed in any position of power.