Oliver Darcy an Iranian faggot who works at CNN thinks doxing people is legitimate free speech even though he has previously opposed Alex Jones being able to speak on the Internet. It is widely speculated that he is possessed by a demon and does gay anal sex with Satan.

CNN has threatened to quit Twitter over the recent “journalist” suspensions that were instituted after these “journalists” posted dox material on Elon Musk. One of CNN’s people was among those suspended.

They have not been permanently suspended. Musk did a poll asking the public if they should have their accounts reinstated and the public said that they should be allowed back on. Musk followed up on the poll and said that their suspensions would be lifted.

The message is clear though. Doxing is not going to be allowed.

I support the ban on doxing and I support the right of these fake news retards to be on Twitter so they can be mocked as the fake news retards that they are.

But let’s be clear, these “journalists” posting this dox material aren’t really “journalists” engaging in actual journalism. They are people being paid to defend the ZOG system with orders to attack people opposing their agendas. They have zero interest in the truth.

It’s just really funny that CNN is threatening to quit Twitter over this. CBS News did something similar over some of Musk’s policies but they returned 24 hours later after they were roundly mocked and ridiculed.

CNN is not all that relevant in today’s media landscape. We don’t live in the 1990s any longer. They’re just a very loud Jewish noise machine.

Twitter doesn’t need CNN and nobody would miss them if they left. We don’t need their shitty news analysis and reporting. It’s just comical that they somehow think they are this very important organization that people couldn’t possibly do without.

They totally destroyed the brand’s credibility with all the Jewish fake news they pushed during the Jeff Zucker era. This whining is not going to help them.

It is also worth noting that they are literally arguing that posting dox material on people is free speech and shouldn’t result in account suspensions. This position is dubious at best and it is a strange hill to die on.

Yes, you could technically argue that this is protected free speech from a Constitutional perspective, but it can also be argued that this sort of behavior constitutes targeted harassment. Posting someone’s home address serves no real fundamental journalistic purpose and only invites harassment or even harm on people. It’s not legitimate journalism and does not serve the public’s interest.

Taylor Lorenz, best known for being one of the most horrible and evil cunts ever to live.

Despite that, you have people like Taylor Lorenz who has made a career out of doxing people. The Libs of TikTok situation is probably the most well-known case of her doing this. Lorenz has also done this to people who aren’t public figures, like this woman.

Hilariously, Lorenz broke down in tears during an interview when the tactics she used against people were suddenly being used against her. She’s just an evil and hypocritical cunt.

She was even whining about doxing being a banned practice on a recent Twitter Spaces conversation. This doxing ban obviously puts a serious wrench in the unethical activities she has routinely engaged in which explains why she was so upset over it.

Musk himself joined the conversation and told them that they weren’t special because they’re “journalists” and that they would be subjected to the same rules as anybody else. They weirdly tried to claim that the dox material they linked to wasn’t technically dox material. Musk wasn’t having any of it.

There was apparently a bug in Twitter Spaces that allowed banned accounts to join, so the service was temporarily shut down while the bug got fixed. It wasn’t closed over these fake news hacks disagreeing with Musk on the dox policy.

Lorenz deleted her whole Twitter timeline after this incident no doubt fearing that she’d be banned with whatever dox material she had posted in the past.

Going back to CNN, they employ the likes of Oliver Darcy this shifty looking Iranian faggot person whose sole job at CNN has been to get CNN’s competition banned off the Internet. He was actually the main person on CNN claiming that Twitter could not survive without CNN’s great news coverage.

It’s just really rich to see Darcy who has been a major censorship advocate pushing to get people like Alex Jones and others banned, now whining about the lack of free speech on Twitter because doxing won’t be allowed. It’s just amazing how dishonest and two-faced these people are. I mean do people like Darcy even have souls? Or did they sell their soul to the devil? Just what the hell is going on with these people?

They’ll fight for free speech when it comes to doxing and harassing people but will advocate for censorship when it comes to real matters of public interest. Take in point how they demanded bans of doctors and medical professionals for simply questioning official government narratives on COVID-19 and the dangerous fake vaccines that were rolled out.

We are just about a month into Musk instituting various reforms on Twitter and it is totally exposing how worthless and useless these “journalists” are. They contribute little if anything substantive to the public conversation. Random individual Twitter users are proving to be better sources of information than any of these morons.