China’s Xi just had a phone call with the Jew Zelensky. It is the first call they’ve had since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out last year.

It is being reported that it was a long and meaningful conversation.

China wants an end to this conflict because it is not good for business. They want to sell their products to Europe via their belt road initiative and this conflict gets in the way of that.

I am not optimistic that Xi will be able to broker a peace deal considering that Zelensky is a total puppet of the Jew regime in Washington DC. However, China is the one country that has a chance to do it. They already struck a peace deal between the Saudis and the Iranians so maybe they can figure something out with this.

Zelensky’s position is becoming increasingly untenable. He has zero chance of winning the war and has for all intents and purposes alreaady lost the war. I do hope the Chinese are able to convince him to abandon his puppet masters and negotiate an end to this but I doubt it will happen. I think it is more likely that Zelensky will continue with the madness until there is nothing left of the Ukraine, but who knows, nobody can predict 100 percent what is going to happen with all this.