There was a recent dispute in the South China Sea between China and the Philippines. Philippine fishing boats entered the South China Sea provking the Chinese so the Chinese scared them off with water cannons.

The United States probably told the Philippines to do this. They’re still largely a vassal state of the US due to the presence of US military bases inside the country. It’s just another unnecessary provocation against the Chinese. I mean, the South China Sea is called the South China Sea for a reason.

The US also sailed another navy vessel near China last week.

There’s no need for these agitations. Do the Jews really think they can support a war against China? If they think that they can do this they are utterly retarded. Their Ukraine war failed and Israel is getting their ass kicked in Gaza.

China seems to be putting up with all of this dumb shit and restraining themselves knowing that the ZOG empire is collapsing and on borrowed time.