You might remember Faith Goldy from her coverage of Charlottesville last year. She’s an independent Canadian journalist who used to do media work for Rebel Media. The Jew Ezra Levant fired her from Rebel Media specifically because she covered the events of Charlottesville against orders. She also appeared on the same post-Charlottesville podcast hosted by Azzmador that I was lucky enough to be a part of.

All that history aside, she’s been in the news recently after getting violently attacked by a group of open border promoting anti-fascists.

She did a whole video on the incident.

Rebel Media also covered the situation.

And here’s raw footage of the attack itself.

There was all sorts of media present who saw that she and her male friend were attacked and spat on. None of this was mentioned in subsequent reports. Take in point this tweet from Angela MacKenzie a mainstream Canadian journalist. She intentionally omits the most important part of the story which was the fact that Goldy got attacked by violent leftists. It proves once again that the mainstream media are nothing but propagandists and can’t be counted on to report facts.

Goldy isn’t even a political radical. She’s just against open borders and the refugee invasion that has plagued Canada. Yet despite all of that, she’s viewed as some type of extremist for taking a common sense position on this issue. Her speech has been censored even by so-called Canadian free speech advocates.

But this incident is useful because it shows how pathetic our enemies are. They can’t deal with a single woman disagreeing with them and they have to resort to violence because of how insane their politics are. It also shows how fucked up the Canadian media is. They will blatantly lie and omit facts to protect Communist and anti-fascist terrorists.