A federal judge just overturned California’s ban on the AR-15. Many Jews and their ZOG political allies are going nuts over this ruling.

It is funny to see how they claim to be so concerned about gun violence and public safety while denouncing this ruling. The vast majority of gun-related crimes are committed by non-Whites with handguns and not AR-15s. It is nothing more than political rhetoric which has no basis in reality.

These people obviously do not give a shit about public safety. They care only about political power. They want to ban AR-15 weapons because they are afraid of a potential armed uprising against them. They also don’t want White people to be able to defend themselves from niggers and other third world filth that they’ve brought into the country.

It is good to see that this ban was overturned though. The Second Amendment is important and it should be defended. Unfortunately, it is hard to say how much of the Constitution is left to defend. It was pretty much abolished with the virus hoax.