El Salvador’s popular President Nayib Bukele spoke at CPAC and talked about how the ZOG empire is on the brink of collapse due to the fraudulent US Dollar system. He also spoke in some detail about what he did to fix El Salvador by mass arresting criminals and dealing with subversive Jewish NGOs. It was an interesting speech but much of what he said was just basic common sense.


The US economy is based on the “farce” of printing unlimited amounts of money, and Western civilization will collapse when that bubble “inevitably bursts,” Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele warned American conservatives on Thursday.

Fresh from winning a second term in office with 84% of the vote, Bukele arrived at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland to a hero’s welcome. Hailed by American right-wingers for his adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender and his iron-fisted crackdown on gang crime, Bukele closed his speech with a call for massive structural changes to the US economy.

Conservatives, he said, “always tell me that the problem is high taxes, but they are wrong.”

“The real problem is that you pay high taxes only to uphold the illusion that you are funding the government, which you are not,” he claimed, before describing how the government is financed by Treasury bonds, which are purchased by the Federal Reserve with printed money backed by the bonds themselves.

“The government is funded by money printing, paper backed by paper. A bubble that will inevitably burst,” he said, adding that “the situation is even worse than it seems, because if most Americans and the rest of the world were to become aware of this farce, confidence in your currency would be lost. The dollar will fall, and Western civilization with it.”

“If the next president of the US does not make the necessary policies and structural changes, sooner or later that bubble will burst,” he concluded. “It will take a total re-engineering of the government from top to bottom.”

Bukele is 100 percent correct about the ZOG empire and the perilous financial situation it is in. He’s also correct about taxes and the whole debt money printing scam that is the US Dollar system. The income tax isn’t necessary to fund the operations of government. It’s just another mechanism that he government uses to abuse and enslave the people. There was no income tax prior to 1913 and that’s when America saw its greatest growth and expansion.

The reforms Bukele instituted in El Salvador are just obvious reforms that any country could do if there was the political will to implement them. He took a country that had one of the highest murder rates in the world and made it one of the safest countries in a very short period of time.

Bukele has also adopted Bitcoin as legal tender which was another smart policy considering the growing instability of the US Dollar system.

With all that said, I currently have no reason to believe that the ZOG system in its current form can be saved. We see that it is collapsing both due to the economic factors Bukele described and all these crazy Jewish wars it is waging. None of this is sustainable and we’ll all be better off when this evil system ends. The only question is how it will end and how chaotic things will get when it does end.