The people around Joe Biden most of who are Jews, are trying to cleanup his comments about China and Taiwan. Biden previously called for military intervention in Taiwan but now the White House is claiming that he just meant providing military equipment to Taiwan.

As far as I’m concerned either stance is a declaration of war. Taiwan is part of a China. This is just a fact as Taiwan is recognized as part of China by almost all countries in the world. If China started funneling weapons into a place like Guam or Hawaii, the United States would consider that an aggressive act. So it is no different with China and Taiwan.

Biden’s handlers obviously viewed his rhetoric as overly aggressive so they’re trying to do some damage control.

Whatever the case, I think the Chinese are getting sick of this clown show and are preparing to end it. The messaging from the Biden regime is all over the place so if I were them, I’d take Biden at his word that he wants to start a big war over Taiwan.