Look at this amazing tweet from Joe Biden’s social media staff.

America stands for freedom?

Since when? What freedom is there in America exactly? There’s objectively more freedom in China right now.

The 2020 election was stolen.

A fake pandemic was used to shut down small businesses and restrict travel.

People were told that they had to take an unsafe and deadly injection or face termination from their jobs.

You can’t board an aircraft unless you wear a mask and subject yourself to being harassed by low IQ retards.

You can’t say “nigger” on major social media sites.

I could go on and on about the total lack of freedom in America. But sure, this alleged freedom is who we are.

Talk about some of the most insane and ridiculous bullshit imaginable.

And one final point about America standing up to bullies. America has been the biggest bully in the world since World War II. But I guess the tweet is meant to imply that Russia is a bully because they are defending themselves from constant bullying by the US, NATO and ZOG as a whole with their military operations in Ukraine.

You’d think these people would get sick of their lies and projection, but it never ends.