I think the possibility of a major war with China is becoming a greater and greater possibility by the day.

Australia’s defense minister is openly talking about a possible nuclear war with China over Taiwan.

This would obviously be insane, but we have insane people running Western governments around the world. They understand that because they have collapsed our economies with the virus hoax that China is poised to become the dominant player on the world stage. They were unable to get them to submit to the Jewish system of democratic gay anus and this means they do not have control over China’s massive manufacturing engine.

This was a major mistake by the Jews. They thought they could easily integrate China in with their Jewish system. This did not work so now they are caught between a rock and a hard place.

Any war against China will also fail. Do they honestly think they have competent people in the military willing to fight for this evil system of gay anus? Especially after they pushed the death vaxx on them?

China is a serious country with a serious military. They are also a country with a billion people. The entire ZOG system couldn’t even defeat a bunch of poorly armed goat herders in Afghanistan so it is ridiculous to believe that they can take on China.