The anti-fascist terrorists of Hong Kong supported by the likes of the Zionist lunatic Mike Pompeo and the homosexual neocon Paul Joseph Watson, disrupted Hong Kong’s legislature after they elected a pro-China individual to chair an important committee. It was a fairly chaotic scene.

This whole movement has been a massive failure. Nobody even knew what they were protesting to begin with. Freedom? Democracy? Legalized gay ass sex? Their complaints were unclear. Hong Kong already had a democratic system in place and these people seemed to be demanding some type of super-democratic system. It was more of an anti-China movement than anything else.

It was clear from the start that this entire subversive movement was bankrolled by the United States to be a disruptive force against China. But at this point, I don’t see how the United States will be able to continue supporting subversive movements like this under the guise that they are spreading freedom and democracy.

For the past two months, much of the United States has been locked down with most of its population under a soft form of house arrest. It’s going to be difficult for them to say that they’re spreading freedom and democracy when all Constitutional rights and freedoms for Americans have been suspended over flu fears. And it isn’t like anybody had a vote on if we should lock everybody in their house and enforce all these strange protocols to keep old people safe from the flu. What’s happened has been the opposite of democracy and there sure as hell hasn’t been much freedom in this bizarre paradigm.

This isn’t even taking into account the economic collapse that’s underway. The financial resources for this chicanery will not be available the more the dollar’s value erodes from endless money printing.

The recent events in Hong Kong are another sign that America’s ability to project power on the world stage is waning. They lack the all credibility to try and advance these weird agendas. There’s effectively more freedoms in China than there is in the United States right now and any serious person would recognize this.