The Democrat party is going completely insane. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo at a recent speech said that “America was never great” because we have not achieved total equality.

So because of some issue with this alleged “pay gap” between men and women, this somehow equates to America never being great. Even if one totally agrees with alleged virtues of Jewish feminism, this is a completely nutty and ridiculous statement.

Who is advising this guy? Does he think that because Donald Trump talks about making America great again that the proper rebuttal is to say that it was never great? How did this fool become New York’s governor? He is obviously not a smart politician.

Trump responded by accurately describing him as having a total meltdown.

Like I’ve said before, the Democrat party is going full retard. They are nominating trannies and Somali females who hate Jews now. It’s going to be an extremely entertaining cluster fuck moving forward.