Here’s another story detailing how America is falling deeper and deeper into a third world abyss. Somewhere in Missouri, an Amtrak train derailed crashing into a truck.

We can argue over whose fault this was and what not, but it really doesn’t matter. These types of things keep happening on a more frequent basis. It is the end result of flooding the country with lower IQ brown and black people along with failing to properly reinvest in infrastructure modernization.

Everything is devolving in America. The highway system isn’t maintained as it should, we have bridges collapsing, our airports are mostly all stuck in the 20th century and our slow Amtrak trains are literally falling off the rails.

Meanwhile look at what they have in China. In just over a decade they’ve built an advanced network of high speed bullet trains.

I don’t think Americans realize how far this country has fallen. If they travelled outside of it, they’d understand what a dump this country has become.