After Amnesty International exposed how the Ukrainian military was committing all sorts of war crimes, using human shields etc.., they have issued a weird apology saying that they did commit war crimes but never should have reported on them. On top of that, CBS News has removed a tweet describing how 70 percent of US aid to the Ukraine was lost and never made it to their intended destination.

This is just a very weird series of events. I can’t remember ever seeing an organization accurately report on war crimes and then say that we shouldn’t have reported on them because of the pain and anger our report caused. They’re not even saying their reporting was inaccurate, they’re saying their reporting is correct but that they should have not mentioned anything.

CBS censoring its own tweet is equally as bizarre. It’s common knowledge that many of the weapons the United States is sending over to the Ukraine are getting lost, destroyed, stolen etc..

I guess somebody made some phone calls and told them to issue these strange statements. But regardless of that, this whole situation only further illustrates how the entire Ukraine proxy war has failed.