Videogame company Activision is going to deploy some sort of AI to prevent gamers from saying “nigger” over the Internet.

This is very stupid and very gay.

You could also say that this potentially constitutes theft and/or fraud on Activision’s part. You buy a game but then the game publisher says they can ban you from the game you bought for saying things to people on the game that they don’t like? What if their AI voice moderation malfunctions and misinterprets someone saying the “nigger” word? We all know that this technology is far from perfect.

I haven’t followed gaming all that closely, but who the hell runs Activision now? If I had to guess they probably elevated a bunch of stupid girl boss cunts and racial minorities into management positions and that’s why they have pushed this AI voice moderation garbage.

It is just exhausting seeing people everywhere going out of their way to make things worse and worse.