It is being reported that there were around 10,000 flight delays in the United States this weekend.

The cost of these flights have also gone through the roof. So not only are you paying more for the flight, but you are getting increasingly shittier service.

This Indian who recently tweeted about the flight delays in the United States says that India feels like a better place than the United States. He also described how Mumbai’s airport is far more modern than Boston’s Logan Airport.

The Indian is not wrong. While I have not been to Mumbai’s airport, I have been to Boston’s Logan airport numerous times and it is without a doubt a terrible airport. It is basically a poorly updated relic of the 20th century. Based on the videos I’ve seen of Mumbai’s airport, it definitely looks like a far superior airport.

Since many Americans have not left the United States, they don’t quite realize how much it has declined relative to the rest of the world. This is just one example.

Maybe this decline will cause people like this Indian to permanently go back to their own country. That will be one of the few benefits of the United States collapsing economically. All these brown and black hordes who only came to the United States to leech off the productivity of the WHITE man, will have no reason to stay and will leave.

But going back to these flight delays, it is just another example showing how our systems are becoming increasingly dysfunctional. You should not expect any improvement either. You should only expect things to get worse.