A new survey has stated that 1 in 4 Gen Zers plan to become social media influencers.

That’s a pretty significant number and it indicates to me that the younger generation is spending too much time staring at screens instead of doing things in the real world. There needs to be a balance between screen time and doing actual physical things that don’t require staring at a screen.

Besides, social media is gay as all fuck right now. It’s also really fake with the bots, the algorithms etc.. You see this problem even on the alternative tech sites where certain accounts are artificially amplified.

Also, what type of tangible influence can any young person possibly think they can have on social media by just being an influencer? Especially in this environment. Anybody saying anything interesting eventually gets banned. You are totally at the mercy of the big tech companies and can have your accounts blacklisted or deleted if you get slightly out of line.

I think young people would be better off establishing some type of real world skills and then from there they can leverage social media to potentially augment whatever it is that they are doing in the real world. Just being a social media influencer without any other skillset is a ridiculous concept and barring some rare exceptions, is not going to net you any significant following.

Yeah sure, there are some gamer dickheads on Twitch who have been able to do this like the beta Jew Adin Ross.

But from what I’ve seen of Ross he acts like a faggot and you definitely do not want to go full faggot on the Internet.

You also have the OnlyFans whores and Instagram model skanks who guys will stop paying attention to once they hit their 30s.

You don’t want to model your life after any of these people. Especially considering that the West appears to be collapsing economically and socially. This type of gay social media influencer bullshit will become increasingly less relevant the further we get into the collapse.