This is a funny statement.

So what exactly is being said here? Is Joe Brandon implying that colored people don’t know how to manage their finances as good as WHITES?

This just exposes one of the funnier aspects of this whole student loan scam. All sorts of loans were given to blacks to go to college and a significant number of them did not graduate. So not only did they not get a degree but they got saddled with a load of debt that they can’t pay back. The blacks that somehow do manage to get degrees, usually get a degree in something that has little to no value on the job market. Many of them would have been better off if they never went to college.

Then of course you have all the black student athletes on college campuses.

The whole concept of having these people in colleges was always ridiculous. It has played a major role in devaluing the importance of a college degree. Because let’s face it, if they’re letting random niggers earn degrees, can anybody actually claim that these things have real tangible value?