Joe Biden was interviewed by CNN’s Erin Burnett and said that he would stop giving Israel certain weapons if Israel does a broad invasion of Rafah.

He says that because they haven’t gone into the major population centers so this somehow makes his support okay or whatever. There’s always some excuse pulled out to justify his support for the Jews doing a mass slaughter of innocent people.

This is obviously immoral and wrong, there is no justification for supporting this genocidal terror regime of Jews.

Look at what this retarded senile Zionist shithead is supporting.

On a side note, the Babylon Kike can go fuck themselves. They are doing satire posts about a real genocide.

If they want to do genocide satire, they should start with a fake genocide like the Jewish Holocaust hoax of 60 gazillion. There’s plenty to mock and make fun of there. They won’t do this because they are a Jew-run propaganda operation.

According to them, fake genocide claims made by Jews must be taken very seriously but real genocides committed by Jews can be satirized.