Mitch McConnell who looks more and more like a walking corpse by the day just blamed Tucker Carlson for Americans not supporting the retarded Jewish war in the Ukraine. He explained that this is why it took so long to get the funding for the Ukraine war passed.

McConnell’s attack on Carlson only boosts Carlson’s credibility. It is also evidence that Carlson was likely fired from Fox News because of his opposition to the Ukraine war. He was convincing huge numbers of boomers that it was wrong to support it. This inevitably made it more difficult for Republicans to continue supporting the war. It was actually somewhat surprising to me that they just passed more money for what is effectively a failed Jewish war project that has little public support. Of course, these people aren’t very smart and we live in a corrupt system of Jewish tyranny. So there are those factors to consider.

I’ve had numerous questions about Carlson in recent years. Namely his support for all of those weird US military UFO hoaxes and his anti-China narratives. Neither of these positions have made any sense to me.

Despite all of that, he has done some good things recently. He conducted that interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin which allowed Putin to fully explain his positions on the Ukraine war. Granted, some of Carlson’s questions were dumb like him bringing up that Jew “journalist” who was arrested and jailed for doing spying/espionage in Russia. Overall though it was a good interview and historically important.

Carlson has also been attacked by Jews over some of the things he’s been saying about Israel.

They definitely did not like this recent interview he did with a pastor who talked about how the Jews treat Christians there.

Take in point how the Jew Dennis Prager responded when he was asked about the topic.

The virulent kike Ben Shapiro has also been attacking Carlson focusing on some obscure statement Carlson made about it being wrong to nuke civilians in Japan during the 1940s.

The issue with Carlson is an issue I’ve seen with many more prominent political commentators. They refuse to go all-in on the Jewish issue. With everything we know about the Jews and how widely available this information is, there really is no excuse to avoid the topic. It is the topic. Everything else is a side issue to the Jewish problem. The Jewish problem is the problem from which all other problems originate.