Some old woman who writes for the Wall Street Journal has published an article describing how the terrorists at the Internal Revenue Service are slapping increased penalties on tax filers because of higher interest rates.

The IRS and the tax code is a total joke. There is not a single human being in America that fully understands all the thousands of pages in the tax code. It’s a corrupt Jew system designed for wealthy Jews and corporations to exploit loopholes while the average person gets fucked up their asshole.

If the IRS doesn’t think you paid enough tax, they will send armed terrorists to your house or place of business. They will then put your in prison and if needed shoot you dead.

Even worse is that the IRS is rejecting valid tax forms from people. Take for example what happened to this man. He should sue the IRS and the IRS should be forced to give him a written apology.

If there’s any good news it is that the IRS is facing financial collapse just like the rest of the country.